Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday July 24, 2010

Ha what a wonderful surprise, my dog woke me up at 6 am this morning. HA love it. Anyhow here is the routine from today
Warm Up
1. Flat Bench Press
135 x 5
Work Sets
75% 1 RM 170lbs x5
80% 1 RM 180lbs x5
85% 1 RM 190 lbs x 5
All sets felt heavy today. Left shoulder is slightly "tweaked"
2. Flat Bench Press
50% 1 RM 5 sets of 10
115lbs 5x10
Took down the rest periods on this one today, shoulders were fried after the final set
3. Close Grip Flat Bench Press
5 sets 8 reps
ramp up to top set
135x6 (too little rest)
135x8 (top set)
4. Bicep Curl Barbell
Finished the weights in 35 minutes.
I have been trying to stop neglecting my cardio. For me, its been a big part of my life. I spent so many years running cross country, that I dont feel right without it. Ive been incorporating more and more this summer in an attempt to prepare me for the school year.
Finished with 20 minutes running @ 1% incline and 6mph.
Felt sluggish, but I have been training more than usual lately to compensate for my lack of training in the coming 4 days.
Im very excited! Today I am going to visit my friend from school in eastern Washington. He has been trying to get me to come over for some time now, and Ive just been able to clear up enough time between work and shadowing to visit for a few days. We have some pretty fun stuff planned. I believe hiking, kayaking, wine tasting, golf, and a day at the lake are all in store. I will post some pics if I can get my darn camera to work when I am back!

- Keep Pushing

Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23, 2010 Post #1

Today begins my firstblog post. This is my first time hosting a blog. Ill primarily be focusing on my interests in life, medicine, health, lifting, reading, and other random bits of goodness.
Todays Workout Wendler 5/3/1
Warm Up
10 Jumping Jacks & 10 Seal Jumps (Alternate between the two, 3 sets no rest)
50 Pogo Jumps (Focus on maximum height for each jump) 3 sets 20 seconds rest
10 BW squats, 10 Push Ups, 10 Sit-ups; 3 sets 30 seconds rest
10 Supermans; 3 sets
Work Sets
Sumo Deadlift:
Set #1 235lbs x 5 reps
Set #2 250lbs x 5 reps
Set #3 270lbs x 5 reps
Accessory Work
A) Sumo Deadlift 5 sets of 10 reps @ 50% 1RM
B) Good Mornings
Bar x 10
65 x 10
85 x 10
95 x 10 x10
Solid workout for the morning. Im just starting out again. Its been a long road. I have struggled with an eating disorder since the 6th grade, and Im probably always going to be on the road to recovery. Keeping this blog is my key to progression.
Today Im going out to our lovely beach cabin to cut the lawn and stuff. Im getting ready to take off for a few days to go visit a buddy of mine in eastern washington. I'll probably be without computer for a few days, but hey, you only live once right?

Keep Pushing